Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Spring Meme

I was tagged by Aunt Kahri to list 10 things I like about spring and 10 things I don't like about spring. So here I go!

10 Things I Like About Spring
1. Honeysuckles
2. Everything is green again!
3. Thunderstorms
4. All the animals running around
5. Flowers everywhere
6. Warm weather
7. The ice cream man
8. Driving with the windows down
9. Flip flops
10. Capris

10 Things I Don't Like About Spring
1. Allergies
2. Rain for more than 3 days in a row
3. Insects everywhere!
4. A muddy dog everytime she goes outside
5. Puddles on the driver's side of the car as you step out
6. Humid days
7. Mowing the lawn
8. Smothering heat inside the car as soon as you get in
9. My dog shedding her winter fur, and getting it all over me
10. Frogs outside my window when I'm trying to sleep

1 comment:

Peculiar Blogs said...

oh I forgot the ice cream man! YEAH BABY!