Tuesday, May 22, 2007

8 Random Facts

I was tagged by Aunt Kahri to write 8 random facts about me. So here I go.

1. I think that a nice, juicy steak and a tall glass of orange juice are a perfect combination!
2. I always have to have music playing. If I don't have access to music then I'll make my own by singing.
3. I busted my chin four different times as a child and never got stitches.
4. The first time I ever had stitches was about 4 years ago. I sliced through the tendon on my left middle finger cutting the plastic wrap off a whole chicken. The stitches were in a U shape and the doctor told me that I just needed to put two dots above the stitches and then when I flipped someone off my finger would be smiling at them! LOL! But of course I don't make such hand gestures!
5. I change my signature every few years. I'm actually thinking about changing it again.
6. I'm very neurotic about ceratain things. For instance, it bothers me when people leave cabinet doors open or when someone doesn't turn the light off when they leave the room.
7. I tell my mom every day that it is my birthday! She never gets many anything though! :(
Ok one more. Think, think, think. I got it!
8. My senior year of high school I was put in in-school suspension for skipping school and I liked being in there more than being in class because I would get all of my work for the day at once and I could work on it and have it all finish in the morning and have the rest of the day to read my books! If it were up to me I would've stayed in there the whole year! LOL!

And there you have it ladies and gentlemen!

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