Monday, April 30, 2007

Memory Monday

Kahri came up with a new thing! Memory Mondays!!! I thought I'd join in! Anyone else on board? Next Monday I'm going to do my own Where I'm From.

One of my fondest memories as a child is sitting in bed with my maternal Grandma and singing with her. She had this big book of songs, some she had written and some were just her favorite hymns. She would start singing the song and once I figured out the tune I quickly joined in. She asked me once, "Sherria, do you know these songs?" And I told her that I didn't and she said, "You sure do pick them up quickly!" I don't know how long we sat there singing together or what had made my grandma bring the book out in the first place. After my grandma died my mom gave me that book of songs. I would ask my mom to sing them with me occassionally.

I'm sorry to say now that I lost the book a long time ago. I don't know how it happened though because I always kept it in the drawer in the headboard of my bed. But I haven't seen it in years. I used to joke that my grandma came and took it because she missed it. If I could find one thing out of all the things I've lost I would love to find that book!


Peculiar Blogs said...

I remember you telling me this story on our trip to Albuquerque. Have you tried praying in the Holy Spirit about finding it? Perhaps it is in your garage??? (aka junk pile?)

Sherria said...

If it's in the garage then it's probably ruined or it was already thrown away. And I have cleaned my room once or twice(ha ha!) with in the last 9 years and haven't found it.