Thursday, June 21, 2007

Me again!

Next week I get to go back to being me again! Wahoo! I can't believe it's been two weeks since I last blogged! I've just been to busy to do anything. I've barely had time to check my email. It's been fun though and definitely a good learning experience. It's great being able to help the students and parents out and answer there questions. Unfortunately, there are some students that we just can't do anything to help them no matter how much we wish we could. But even though I enjoyed filling in for Tanya and Sue, it will be nice going back to being me. I miss the slow pace of the teller line sometimes. I'm sure once I spend a week over there I'll be wanting to come back over here because it's too slow! LOL! But I'll actually have time to blog, read my books, do suduko puzzles and other leisurely things again. Yay!

1 comment:

Peculiar Blogs said...

I love reading ALL your blogs. :-)